The first Transnational Project Meeting (TPM1) was held on February 5th and 6th, 2024, in La Zubia, Granada, Spain. The meeting, organised by the Docete Omnes Foundation, brought together partners from Austria, Spain, Greece, Portugal and Italy to discuss the progress of the project, completed tasks and plans for the development of upcoming activities.
Main topics on the agenda
During the meeting, we discussed a good number of important topics for the smooth running of the project:
- Financial reports: The project coordinators established the procedures for writing reports on project activities, and receiving financial data.
- Engagement of professionals and experts: Strategies to involve educators and other interested actors in project activities were discussed, emphasising the importance of having different points of view.
- Integration of the various work packages (WP): The connections of WP2 (tools to understand different student situations) and WP3 (development of inclusive teaching methods, adapted to their specific needs) were analysed.
- Dissemination: The dissemination and communication team described the plans to publicise the results of the project, as well as the social media strategy. The responsibilities of each partner in this regard were also established and delimited.
- Quality Management: A SWOT analysis was performed to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the project. Key performance indicators (KPIs) were also established, which will allow effective measurement of the project’s impact.
- The “Personas” approach: This innovative methodology, based on objective data to understand the diversity of students and educators, avoiding biases, stereotypes and prejudices, was presented in detail.
- Good Practice Collection: Partners shared examples of effective strategies to address diversity in adult education.
Project Tools in Development
Updates on the development of key project tools were also presented during the meeting:
- Manual for Profiling Learners and Educators
- Tutorial on Creating Personas
- Teaching Scenarios Toolkit
- Interactive Online Platform
These tools will provide practical resources to educators with the goal of creating inclusive learning environments in which all students can fully develop their capabilities.
A look into the future
The Granada meeting represented an important milestone for the development of the “Diverse Courses” project. With a clearly established roadmap and strong collaboration between partners, the consortium has laid the foundations to achieve its goal of improving inclusion and diversity in adult education across Europe.